Service Breakdown
OZA Properties Limited has a great deal of experience in a wide range of specialized fields. The company offers Professional services to Institutional, Corporate, Public and Private Clients; the following categories of work are some of the services that we offers to their clients:
- Industrial (Workshops, Warehousing, Industrial parks, Process and Electronics)
- Commercial (Mixed use Office & Retail, Banking, Waterfront Development)
- Retail Trading, Shopping Centre's and Service Stations
- Prisons / Correctional Facilities
- Health Facilities (Rural and private clinics, Community and Referral hospitals, General and Specialist facilities and Academic institutions)
- Welfare (Retirement, Nursing and Convalescent Homes)
- Entertainment (Performing Arts, Cinemas)
- Social / Recreational (Community, Convention Centres, Conference/Exhibition Centres)
- Sports (Sport complexes, Stadia's & Race courses)
- Educational (Schools, Universities, Scientific)
- Residential (High, Medium and Low density and Low income)
- Tourism and Leisure (Casinos, Hotels, Motels, Resorts and Lodges)